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Founder's note

My profound love for textile art fuels my creativity in designing motifs, patterns, and translating them into prints and embroidery on natural handloom fabrics, which remain undyed and unbleached to maintain their organic allure. Through Sedhantik, I've so far created collections of textile accessories adorned with block prints, screen prints, and phulkari embroidery, on handloom organic cotton and silk. Moving forward, Sedhantik is intensifying its emphasis on block prints and delving deeper into the realm of textile-focused clothing and home goods.

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Revamp Underway

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed"

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


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Proudly Made in India
Sold to the World


© 2024 Sedhantik (A Sidhant Enterprises Venture)

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