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The Golden Land

The northern state of India with the glorious history of robust culture, agriculture and trade. This bread house of Pre and Post Partitioned India came to be known as the golden land metaphorically for its wealth and literally because of the color of the soil and different grains giving it a sepia-tone landscape. The fertility of the land bloomed because of the five rivers

(Punj – Five and Ab – River) in the Punjab of Hindustan.



The Flower Embroidery

Phul - Flower, Kari - To do by hand

Historically it can be traced to Persia (Iran) where it was called Gulkari (The flowers made by hand) in Persian and 'Gul' got translated to 'Phul' in Hindustani when the craft got to the Indus Valley.


Traditional base : Cotton Khadi


Bagh (Silk Floss Thread)

Sainchi (Cotton Threads)

Chope (Cotton Threads)

Thirma (Cotton Thread)

The USP of Phulkari remains to be that the weave of the fabric is followed to embroider its motifs and layouts. Nothing is drawn on the fabric and the designs are only in the mind or on paper. Hence the motifs take a geometric shape.

Phulkari is eco-friendly as the technique reduces the consumption of yarn. Also, the back is neat so no extra fabric is used to cover the back side.

At Sedhantik. we are trying to make Phulkari with naturally dyed yarns and base fabric as it was done pre-industrialisation. It prevents water pollution, skin diseases and overal keeps a low carbon footprint.

Sidhant, Founder of Sedhantik, is a Punjabi and has a piece of Phulkari and other Punjabi crafts in the family heirloom. This cultural belongingness made Phulkari an over-arching theme of the brand.



Handspun Handwoven Fabric

'Khaddar' translated to Hindi is 'Khadi'
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